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Websites for Parents

Jim Trelease is the author of The Read Aloud Handbook.  He is an expert in reading and tells you why it is important for children to read.

This is the official site for the International Reading Association (IRA).  It includes "Choices" booklists; Children's Choices, Teacher's Choices, and Young Adults' Choices.  Read on!

Do you need help finding a book to match your child's reading level?  Look no further than the Lexile Book Database.

This site is included in both the websites for kids section and websites for parents section.  It has ideas and articles for parents.  Check it out!

A very important part of learning to read is knowing sight words.  This interactive website can help your child learn their sight words.  You can use these words by playing games with your child, like Memory or hide them around the house asking them to find a certain word.

This is a user friendly site that has a Parent and After School Resources are by grade level.


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